日本財団 図書館


In all cases of land reclamation, of and above a certain scale, multi-functional master concepts are developed in such a way that nature reserve areas are included and that net nature gain is achieved. Methods are applied that at the same time strengthen the economy and improve the environment. A further advantage is that these land reclamations can be carried out phase after phase, segment after segment, all fitting in a master concept.


With regard to environmental affairs we want to stress the following. In the coastal zone we always have to deal with existing and new man-induced conversion processes in the field of industry, power stations for energy-supply, agriculture and aquaculture, transport and distribution, and also the domestic sector.
In the direct future those processes should be developed and implemented, that with less raw materials and with less energy, produce products at a higher yield, with less hazardous emissions to air, water and soil, and with less waste products. In case waste products are formed, they should be converted to environmental friendly products or safely stored.
Clean Technology (process-integrated clean technology), Clean Products (products that during their lifetime and thereafter are relatively environmental friendly) and Cleaning-up Technology are useful instruments to achieve - in due time - sustainable development.


Harmonious cooperation with all the relevant authorities at the various government levels and with non-governmental institutions and citizen groups is an essential prerequisite to achieve integrated and sustainable coastal zone development.


Methods will be discussed in detail, concerning:


a. Analysis of hinterland and bordering sea;
b. Land reclamation via building with nature;
c. Integrated planning of functions in the new land using plan development management systems.


In addition specific examples will be given with regard to sustainable coastal zone development in various parts of the world.


August 1996




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